Request Service

In order for us to provide the most efficient service please complete as much of the information as you can and be as descriptive as possible. A technician will call you 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment window. If you have any questions beforehand, don’t hesitate to call. You will get a confirmation email from dispatch once we receive your request and book the appointment.


Service Required:

Color (required):

Car Make and Model (required):

Manufacture Year (required):


Choose Key Type:

Regular Key

Push To Start/FOB

Color (required):

Manufacture Year (required):

Please Describe (required):

How Many Locks? (required):

Do You Know the Lock Brand?:

Tenant or Homeowner?:

How Many Locks? (required):

Please describe the issue (required):

Tenant or Homeowner? (required):

Mailbox Ownership:

Please describe the service you need (required):

Exterior lockout or interior lockout (required):

How Many Locks? (required):

Lock type/function (required):

How Many Locks? (required):

Lock type/function (required):

Please describe the issue (required):

New System or Repair Existing System? (required):

Please describe the type of system you are looking for (required):

Exterior lockout or interior lockout:

When would you like service?

Choose Day:
Around What Hour:

Service Required ASAP?

"For the fastest service, we recommend clients in need of Emergency/ASAP service call our 24/7 dispatch center at (830) 282-4321. If you still prefer to book online, we will send you a confirmation as soon as possible."
Please Upload Images (Maximum size: 5MB) (optional):

More Details (optional):
Name (required)*:
Email (required)*:
Service Address (required):
Zipcode (required):
Phone Number (required):

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